Are There Any New Procedures of Penis Enlargement Or could it be Just the identical Old Recycled Substance?

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A lot of the fabric available on penis enlargement falls into two groups: 1) products, potions, patches, & magnets and 2) natural penis enlargement through exercises (or weight/traction application). Surgery is also an option for those with a courageous nature.

We won't go into the first aspect of trying to enlarge the penis from an exogenous approach. I'm not one to speak ill of any potential method of enlargement; but do your homework and decide for yourself if these applications work. I know what my research has shown.

The second aspect is via penis "exercising" as it has been so-named. This utilizes an exogenous-based endogenous approach by stretching, pulling, and milking the penis to increase its overall size. I won't go into the techniques, as they are widely out there on the Internet.

The problem is there has been a paradigm shift in penis enlargement and it isn't good. The pill and patch club have taken over this "shift" and the results are sorely lacking (what's truly unfortunate is the men that have been lured into this manner of penis enlargement and spend a load of money and walk away discouraged - never to try penis enlargement again). With the methodology of exercising to enlarge one's penis, the fabric refuses to make a true "shift," as the material hasn't changed much in the last ten years. Which is to say, the material on such forms of enlargement are basically recycled material with the very same techniques. There have been no true breakthroughs to take the art and science of penis enlargement to higher levels. It is the, "Same-old, same-old," as they say. Just a re-packaging from the obat pembesar penis similar information and techniques.

However, there is much more to penis enlargement than the basic techniques of stretching out the upper ligaments and jelqing (milking) the penis. The biomechanical aspects from the pelvis, including muscular-tendon-ligamentous-fascial strcutures and joint mechanics, have as much, if not more, to do with penis enlargement. Sure, the basics are fine, but to make the paradigm shift for "exercising the penis" needs to become the ultimate way of enlargement, these outdated molds must be utilized, yet broken; the culture of natural penis enlargement must utilize other strategies to cross this "recycled" barrier.

Penis enlargement must evolve. Just as the automobile did. Imagine if we were still driving the types of cars accessible 75 years ago? Everything needs to evolve to appreciate its greatest potential and ability.

A good place to start is by reading I. A. Kapandji's book - The Physiology of your Joints, Volume 3 - The Spinal Column, Pelvic Girdle, and Head. This will give you a better insight into the underlying structures that form the foundation of penis enlargement. "Foundation" being what all this penis stuff is really attached to. It is like a building. If the foundation is unsound, the building will never be quite right. To get to the heart of penis enlargement, one needs to address its true foundational structure.

For example, I wrote an article on Pelvic Tilt and its relation to enlargement. This is just basic stuff, really; but it seems to have been ignored by all the "experts" on penis enlargement over the years.

It gets more involved, to really become the biggest you possibly can: Myofasical techniques, unlocking, releasing; addressing the lateral aspects on the penis instead of just the basics that are out there. If one is looking for true enlargement, they need to take the entire structure of the pelvis (and related structures) seriously. The feedback I have received from men who have learned this information, is that it took their penis size to potentials that they were unable to attain in any other manner.

For example, just sitting cross-legged ("Indian style) for five minutes before performing penis exercises will have a great impact on your enlargement program. It helps if you put pressure on your knee joints (using your hands) and push downwards to increase stretching. Why is this? It helps stimulate the Golgi Tendon Organs on the lateral aspects with the pelvic muscles. This relaxes the muscles and tendons and increases the amount of flexibility in the lateral aspects of the pelvis and into the groin. Why is this important? Because such tissues are integrated into the penis and penile ligaments. Such a simple stretch will indirectly allow the ligaments to stretch more due to the released tension from the tendonous-muscle relationship to these ligaments.